Sunday, August 19, 2012

Most Recent Intermittent Fasting Pictures

Latest Pics

Week 34 of Intermittent Fasting

Keep in mind I only work out about 3 days a week with weights, otherwise just moderately active lifestyle.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Intermittent Fasting: Some Before and After...

Okay, so before and after pics are kind of embarrassing.  But no one is reading this anyway, and how can you give credit without before and after pics:

Here are a couple from December.  Most notable fat stores being the love handles.  I have always had this problem when I gain too much weight.  They are the saddlebags of my body!

At about 215 pounds

These are a couple months ago at 195 pounds

More Photos coming soon, I have lost about 8 pounds since these photos. Hovering at about 189..

Intermittent Fasting, this shit works! It is so easy too! 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 1

A little about what I am doing here.  I have been known to preach about Paleo, Primal, Vegetarianism (going back a few years I was vegetarian for 8 years), Crossfit, Soccer, Sprinting, Movnat, Tai Chi, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fruits, Vegetables, The power of awareness or mindfulness.

Believe it or not I am not a crunchy hippy.

I also do not preach anymore.

I've given up most of my notions that any one thing can heal you or make you more physically fit or in any way superior to anyone else.

The only "health" benefit I subscribe to is daily intermittent fasting.

I've gleaned from Brad Pilon's "Eat Stop Eat" and of course Martin Berkhan's "Leangains". I've merged them into my own style, that is 2 x 24 hour fasts a week, 4 x 16-20 hour fasts and 1 Eat All You Want day.

So far it works.  Quite simply it is easier to not eat for a given time period than it is to delete items from your diet.  I've dropped 30 pounds in 8 months, and maintained muscle mass.  The best part is that daily fasts have become so simple, I don't even think about it, and I certainly don't think about not continuing.  It is to easy, and has so many more health benefits than any other "DIET".

In any case, I am on this blog because I'm frustrated in my pursuit of finding testimonial knowledge on others who practice this lifestyle.  Martin Berkhan's "Leangains" is the best resource available, but he has become preoccupied.  Also, I think, maybe there is more to all of this. I'm not a bodybuilder Brad and Martin. I do exercise, but I try to not think of it as exercise.  A more apt definition is mindful movement. I've hurt and broken down many of my bodyparts (elbows, shoulders, knees) in the pursuit of fitness!

I am not trying to be a health guru, or a mentor, or a scientist.  This is a personal journey blog.  I cannot tell you that Intermittent Fasting will cure diabetes.  I can only relate what it has done for me.

Let's see what we come up with. Cheers!